Pleasant View
Baptist Church

Special Events
We at Pleasant View Baptist are so happy you are visiting with us today! We are a church committed to the Word of God and salvation though the Cross of Jesus Christ. Please join us for one of these opportunities to participate in these joyful worship events!
Choir and Praise Team
​If you are musically inclined, several opportunities to minister exist here at Pleasant View. If singing harmony is your thing, we have a traditional choir that sings on special occasions. For more details, contact our choir director, Sonya Rockett
In addition, we have a Praise Team, which practices Sunday mornings and sings contemporary worship songs. We always have need for more musical abilities praising the name of Jesus.

PVBC Senior Society
Once a month, the seniors of Pleasant View gather to enjoy a local eatery (and each others' company) for a convivial meal.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us at our table!
For more details about upcoming outings, contact Taylor Rockett.
Back to School Bash
Pleasant View Baptist Church hosted a BACK TO SCHOOL BASH . School age kids and their parents joined us for a Saturday afternoon full of free fun featuring a bounce house, face painting, water games, and a petting zoo!
Trunk or Treat
Pleasant View welcomed children and their guardians to our parking lot for candy, fellowship, and information about our ministries.